Stradivarius Consulting


 What We Do

Stradivarius Consulting is a multidisciplinary business development and management consulting firm based in Miami, FL.


Your Consultant, Your Network

Our expertise and partnership transform data into actionable insights that inform, enable and empower an organization's critical business decisions while maintaining the key elements of collaboration and partnership required at the intersection of sports, business, lifestyle, and beyond.


Founding Stradivarius Consulting

CEO Michael Penfield

Michael J. Penfield

Principal of Stradivarius brings more than 15 years of award-winning experience and leadership in business to his profession as a consultant to organizations looking to increase productivity.

Michael, along with his network, provides a wide range and suite of services, enabling clients to move to the “State of Excellence”. He does this by focusing on strategies that brands and enterprises can execute well and then aligning all activities within the organization’s operation to those key elements and initiatives.

This unique approach gives a fresh, new look at how strategy is handled from day to day.


From working with up-and-coming businesses to large organizations such as the US Department of Homeland Security and FEMA, no engagement is too small or too large. And with partners and clients in almost every major metropolitan city, his strategies and techniques can be applied to any business worldwide.

Over the course of his career and while working in various roles, his passion has always been in helping others to make a difference on a daily basis. Michael is committed to creating opportunities for others around him and improving the overall environment for business.